Making Room For God

In Seven Realities for Experiencing God, Henry and Richard Blackaby write, “When Almighty God encounters a life, it’s always a time of rejoicing and expectation for the future. Isaiah described this experience as similar to that of a child born to a previously barren woman. (Isaiah 54:2) The child’s arrival changes everything. Whereas the dwelling place might have been large enough for two, it must now be made bigger. The child’s presence causes the parents to completely rearrange the way they’e been living. Isaiah proclaimed that when God comes, you must make room for Him in your life. You must ‘enlarge the place of your tent’ because God’s presence will add new dimensions to your life, your family, and your church. You don’t simply add Christ to your busy life and carry on with business as usual. When Christ is your Lord, everything changes.”

How has God’s presence changed your life?

How are you making room for God?

"The offerings we give to God reveal the condition of our heart. A heart that overflows with gratitude for God’s love responds in selfless devotion. If we’re unwilling to sacrifice our time, our possessions, our money, or our energy, we indicate that we don’t fully love God… Trust Him and give Him the best you have because you love Him with all your heart… God won’t lead you beyond your present level of trust and obedience to Him. He will return you to your area of unfaithfulness until you’re prepared to trust Him.”