Questions to Ponder - Part 1

As you go through this week, find some quiet spaces to sit with at least one of these questions. What could God be trying to whisper to your heart? Where there is thirst and hunger, curiosity and questions, great joy, sadness, anger, peace, and even in the mundane - God is there calling out to us in the midst of it all.

  • If you imagine your life with God as a picture, what would that picture look like? Where are you? Where is God? What else is happening in the picture?

  • If you imagine your life with God as a season, would you be walking with Him through spring, summer, fall or winter? What makes you feel this way?

  • When are you most aware of God’s presence and His truths throughout your day? How do you typically respond to this awareness?

  • When are you least aware of God’s presence and His truths throughout your day?