Christlike Virtues vs Personality Types Enneagram
“The key distinguishing feature of the Christlike Virtues Enneagram is that the nine numbers of the Enneagram represent first and foremost nine Christlike qualities and virtues, rather than nine Personality Types. The Christ Virtues were each beautifully and perfectly exemplified in Jesus’ remarkable life and ministry. An implication of this shift in focus is that all nine numbers become relevant and important to every Christ-follower, not just the single number corresponding to a personality type.
As the Holy Spirit is at work transforming a child of God in Christlkeness, the fruits of Christ’s virtues - any and all of them - spring forth.”
Growing in freedom and grace of who we are and who we are becoming.
So no longer are we just looking at our ‘personality’ and seeking ‘self-awareness’ or ‘self-improvement’, but better yet, we can use this as a tool in our walk with the Lord and our own spiritual formation.
What is the Enneagram
For an overview of the Enneagram of personalities, I recommend checking out the Enneagram Institute.
To learn how to dive deeper and use the Enneagram in your personal walk with the Lord, contact me for more information and a consultation.
While there are many Enneagram tests out there, I use the WEPSS for my consulting, as it beautifully lays out our strengths and vices in each of the 9 virtues.
All photography provided by Andy Bulgerin